Monday, September 8, 2008

How did I not post this earlier?

So for those who know me know that I got engaged to the most wonderful girl in the world!  Jenna and I are getting married on January 16th 2009 in the Bountiful Utah LDS Temple.  We are so excited and being the photographer that I am we went and took some random self engagements, they won't be the real ones but we like them anyways. I love her so much!


Lindsey said...

Yep, now I'm a blog stalker, too. I'm somewhat sorry you're engaged right now; engagement can be great but most of the time it bites big time. But you're that much closer to being married:) When are you going to post the proposing story??
Those are awesome pics; is that by Utah Lake?

Jarad 31 said...

Congrats dude!!! We need to hang out soon!!! I really miss your sexy a$$!!!!

Zwoelfet1 said...

That is so cool! Congratulations indeed.
Really like the photo with you two holding hands, in silhouette.


GordonandChrissy said...

This is Chrissy ... Wray's sister-in-law. I got to your blog off of Emily's because I'm a blog stalker. haha. But, I had to comment because those pictures are AWESOME! You say they won't be the engagement pictures, but they totally could be. They look great!

Hannah and Mike said...

Congratulations on the engagement. I was so happy to hear you finally found the one. David and Annie said she is the perfect match for you. Good luck with the wedding plans. We should set something up so we can all hang out and meet your fiance.

wray and nat said...

we are sooooooooooooooo happy you're getting married but, even more thrilled that it's to a super wonderful girl like JENNA